The Silver Stringer sites use a software system called Pluto, developed expressly
for the project.
- The tools for creating and publishing content are entirely Web-based.
- Each member of a community has a user account which enables her or him to
log into the system from any computer on the Internet.
- Users can enter their contributions by simply typing plain text -- the software
translates their contributions into HTML for publication on the Web.
- HTML tags are recognized, so more experienced users who wish to add HTML
formatting may do so.
- The software allows submission of media files, so pictures, sound, and video
can be published on a Silver Stringer site.
- Users may create articles or upload pictures or media to their personal
workspace on the site. However, all submissions must pass through a review
by editors before they can be published.
- Users who have Editor privileges design the structure of a site by creating
sections and subsections.
- Clicking the Publish button in the editors' workspace is the only step needed
to move an article to the server for viewing on the Web, thus eliminating
one of the most difficult hurdles for inexperienced Web publishers.
Media Lab projects may use the Silver Stringer software with permission from
the project's researchers. Media Lab sponsors may use the software if they have
signed the appropriate license agreement. For more information about licensing
the software, please send an inquiry through the Media Lab Contact
Us page, or through your liaison if you are a sponsor.